Thursday, December 31, 2015

2015, An Annotated Year in Scott: December

How the time flies.

This is a lyric from the song "I'm Han Solo", part of Kinect Star Wars.  It's completely awesome.  Check it out.

This one is all me, I guess.  Can't pretend like it isn't a pretty generic image, but it's pretty nonetheless.  We're leaving 2015 behind, so get those tear ducts ready.

They didn't give scores at childcare class, but they should have.  I could completely wreck all comers.  Babies are extremely flexible.

This is frighteningly accurate, excepting the "dream wedding" bit.  I suppose it doesn't have to be mine, but where's the fun in that?  I don't have a cruise planned, either, but there's really nothing stopping me.  Sounds like a great idea for a honeymoon, anyway!


Seems like such a long time ago, doesn't it?  But it's just been twelve days, and it's over now.  Thanks for a great 2015, everybody.  Catch you on the flipside.

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